Wow 224,000 prophets..

Islam theology recognize as many as 224, 000 prophets. They were chosen by GOD to teach mankind but only 25 prophets were identified, where the balance of 223,975?

If we look at geographical, the 25 prophets were from desert nation and if we look at the globe, desert nations covered less then quarter four. Who and where are the balance prophets.

If only 25 of them and their location within the Nazareth, this mean GOD wants HIS teaching speared from 1 continent to the rest of the world but if out of 224, 000 only 25 of them identified this means the rest preaching contradict with 25 of them and were not indentified them in that particular continent. This shows they are not chosen by GOD.

Even the above statement sounds logic but for sure they teach well in deeds to humankind. The huge crowds of prophets were from all around the globe, this sounds better. Their preaching and teaching could be common but when it was interpreted by human century after century, there goes argument and civilization took place at same time. Human changed according to their comfort and this was named as religion.

I will never say the teaching of religion is bad because the all of them has same common goal where none of us unsure the common goal does exits after death, which is heaven or hell. But at the moment we in progress to make earth which was heaven now to hell.
As far if all of concern of peace and openly accept, where the 224, 000 people are those messiahs for the Christians, gurus for the Hindus, Rasul or Nabis for the Muslims, then WE ARE ONE AND GOD IS ONE.


Unknown said…
Please read:
Unknown said…
The Islamic definition of a prophet is someone who has been chosen and favoured by Allah (God) to convey his message to the people on earth and to bring them to believe in and worship him alone. In Islam there are two types of prophets, one is the Nabi who are prophets sent to consolidate previous messages. The second type is the Rasool who are high prophets or messengers as they were sent a revelation in the form of a holy book.
Islam has 124000 prophets. The Prophet Muhammad was the final and greatest of them. Though mostly it's the Semitic prophets of the Middle East that are mentioned in the Islamic faith. This isn't to say the Europeans, Native Americans, Africans, central Asians, Aborigines, South Pacificers, Indians, Far easterners etc weren't sent prophets as Muslims believe that Allah sent prophets to every people.
As well as the Prophet Muhammad - Other renowned prophets of Islam include Adam, Nuh (Noah), Musa (Moses), Harun (Aaron), Ibrahim (Abraham), Lut (Lot), Ismail (Ishmael), Is'haq (Isaac), Yacoob (Jacob), Yousef (Joseph), Daud (David), Sulaiman (Soloman), Yahya (John the baptist - though this isn't his role in Islam) & Isa (Jesus).
Others who are less known include Idris (Enoch*), Salih (Shaloh*), Hud (Eber*), Ayoub (Job), Zakariah, Shoaib (Jethro*), Dhulkifl (Eziekiel), Alias (Elijah), Alyasa (Elisha) & Yunus (Jonah)
The following are mentioned in hadith or known from Oral tradition; Ishaia (Isaiah), Sheeth (Seth), Uzair (Ezra), Danyal (Daniel), Armya (Jeremiah) & Samuel. Dhul-Karnain, Joshua (Assistant to Moses), Imran (Father of Mary), Khidr & Luqman are all mentioned as great men but their prophethood hasn't been specified, so they may have just been great pious individuals favoured by Allah.
"The Islamic definition of a prophet is someone who has been chosen and favoured by Allah (God) to convey his message to the people on earth and to bring them to believe in and worship him alone." and link to thewaytotruth "We may speculate that Confucius, Buddha (or perhaps even Socra¬tes?) were prophets, but it can be only speculation. Let us be clear on this: we are not saying that they were prophets. What the history of religions tells us about those men is not satisfac¬tory, and based upon informa¬tion gathered from different sources." --IF the so called religion leaders and preachers hold hand together say he (Buddha) also a prophets; nothing wrong, he never say bad to the mankind all he ask the mankind was peace and love—why the author stressing ‘but it can be only speculation’
Unknown said…
so, what is your issue with Islam now? who mentioned other religions teach a bad thing? What is your issue with who is Prophets and who is not?
Does my article say anything bad about GOD..and is that wrong to unite the people who broken to pieces in the name of it wrong IF Buddha was/is a prophet..let the people who believe in Adam, Isaac, Muhammad, etc also believe Buddha’s preaching..I think either you don’t understand what I try to deliver or you have ego to show that you are the best and what ever you do and said is always right..
Unknown said…
Thank you for for telling how stupid I am...THANKS A LOT...

You are always right and clever...shouldn't be with ego and stupid people like me...
I never meant that way-no one is stupid..IF I sounded that way, truly sorry with open heart..
assadujjaman said…
224,000 prophets- it's main source historical (its depend on many or old religion) its count by non Muslim. there are no sahih Hadis.

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