GOD “Hey you mankind, why are you messing up the Greenland I give it to you”

How can this world remain as it is for the next generation? My dad used to tell me how much he enjoyed playing in the mud, fishing in the river, climbing trees to plug fruits, swimming in the unpolluted river, getting wet in the rain and lots more. Wow, what a great childhood life, makes me envious. Wait a minute, I also have childhood stories for my kids, I do swim but in the swimming pool, play in the mud (e.g. paint ball, treasurehunt) which is created by human being but not by the nature. I do get wet in the rain, but ended in mum scolding me to get in soon, “Son get in, the rain is polluted, it harms your skin.” What will your answer be, if I ask you which childhood would you prefer? I conducted a survey within my family members; mostly yearning for greenish village surrounded by high hills, by the lakeside or riverside, fresh air, fresh milk from the farm and the list goes on and on.
Eemm...Then why do you demolish whatever is given to us by the LORD and it's absolutely free?? Let me ask myself before asking you. I am too focused on upgrading my lifestyle in the community. I am fighting among my own people to get better life, dreaming on getting better vehicles, hiding my mobile phone whenever any of my friends carry high technology mobile phones. Oh LORD, where am I heading to, towards YOU or towards raze given by YOU LORD? What is the purpose of our life actually, why do we keep on preaching, “We must be united for freedom from strife.” We are trying for almost every century to get united, but there is no sign of true unity yet. Why?, it is too obvious that there is something wrong somewhere. There is no necessity for unity if we keep on comparing our skins, our languages, our looks and others. This is enough to prevent us from getting united for peace forever since we have a lot to compare between us.
Can we survive without mother nature? Demolish the green for development, diminishing the ozone layers? How can we save and preserve our mother earth and keep the world for the next generation as it is. Who is so eager about the development? YES I want for my kids, ah NO I do not need it, I want my descendents to enjoy the mother nature as my ancestors did. So do we need high technology or Mother nature? Readers, please think, which should be given the priority.
Eemm...Then why do you demolish whatever is given to us by the LORD and it's absolutely free?? Let me ask myself before asking you. I am too focused on upgrading my lifestyle in the community. I am fighting among my own people to get better life, dreaming on getting better vehicles, hiding my mobile phone whenever any of my friends carry high technology mobile phones. Oh LORD, where am I heading to, towards YOU or towards raze given by YOU LORD? What is the purpose of our life actually, why do we keep on preaching, “We must be united for freedom from strife.” We are trying for almost every century to get united, but there is no sign of true unity yet. Why?, it is too obvious that there is something wrong somewhere. There is no necessity for unity if we keep on comparing our skins, our languages, our looks and others. This is enough to prevent us from getting united for peace forever since we have a lot to compare between us.
Can we survive without mother nature? Demolish the green for development, diminishing the ozone layers? How can we save and preserve our mother earth and keep the world for the next generation as it is. Who is so eager about the development? YES I want for my kids, ah NO I do not need it, I want my descendents to enjoy the mother nature as my ancestors did. So do we need high technology or Mother nature? Readers, please think, which should be given the priority.