(God = ENErgy Science Information System)
The universe seems to look different for human view,
just the phenomenal visualization. This hallucination creates philosophy of life,
nothing is wrong in it but creates crisis when fathom the will of God. The writer
is captivated by ancient technology which is far advanced beyond modern science
discovery. That was the era name of god doesn’t exist in the human mind to
create fear of living or seek for eternal life thereafter.
Writer constantly has extreme loathe towards the
religionist — everything in the universe appears to look different and aim
others philosophy set by devils. These extremist failed to understand that it
all originated from the same energy—it just vibrates at a different speed so it
exists on a different frequency, which either makes it tangible or intangible.
The separation within human is due to energy
vibrates in a different frequency. Intrinsically we are connected to everything
and everyone as our energy interacts, connects, absorbs, interlocks and
communicates with other energy here on Earth as well as the incoming energies
from the outer space.

shrine or temples – how does the energy is received and transmitted from
universe to earth through the 6th sense mankind? For the idol worshippers,
the granite is uniquely shaped and placed at certain position in the temples
and the direction shall face east (kilakku)
to absorb solar energy and ray. With the temple structure and the position of
the idol along holy scriptures – this to receive the universal energy; bird
view zoom, the temple structure is like chipboard and the main deity to be the
IC (integrated circuit). The same concept, middle-east ka’aba direction prayers
for different type of energy release – fajr, sunrise, dhuhr, asr, maghrib,
isha. Again if we look at the views from the top, multiple shrines simultaneously
chant the right holy scriptures vibrate towards the main IC, which is to be energy
receiver from the universe and distribute across to mankind.
The Universal Law of Vibration states that
everything in the Universe consists of energy or light in motion that vibrates
at a certain speed and the resonation of it determines its frequency. Although
many people are naturally sensitive to universal energy, yet mankind needs to become
more attuned to it. The more open they are; the higher their conscious
awareness. When harnessed and utilized, the energy can guide us in our life and
ultimately lead us to reach our full potential and our higher purpose on Earth
instead of comparing the philosophy by the gurus for religion dispute.

beings have limitless potentials and we are capable of far more than we are
often taught or conditioned to believe. The universe is constantly
communicating with us by showing us synchronicities, signs, symbols and
offering us a variety of subconscious messages, which we can decode and channel
to enhance our Earthly experience. Unfortunately, in the man-made
religion, many of us are taught that it is not possible to receive communication
through the mind from unknown sources due to the fear of religion – normal individuals
are not fit to attain such wisdom or the fear of mushrooming religion to
It is our choice whether we tune into the incoming
energy and flow with it and untie our destiny. Let’s be open because
universal energy doesn’t recognize the man-made rules which shall to be harmony
and attune to be the king on this earth. The writer hopes readers’ are open towards
chain of similarities. May 2018 empowers Earth more incoming energy towards the
modern mankind to care the other livings on the earth.