This Product Has Minor Soon To Be Major Manufacturing Defects...

Ever since the earth orbits sure, it keeps amazing the mankind; but doubt it whether the other living creatures has the same excitement too cos the level of sense planted is just version 5 and lower. The mankind is so ruckus, over the 200 decades ago when scriptures spell out about living on this earth with different versions not only translated according to their understanding or convenience but name it Religion with no seal of God :) appearances anywhere. How does an opportunist managed to influence; I shall not elaborate if you do have your six sense.

The author would like to sanction the devil in human causes the defect not by the creator. The human blames the innocent devil, nowhere becomes threat for human greediness. Assessment towards the supreme nature is going against the law of nature and causing further damages with new upcoming technologies. Further elaborating the second paragraph first-lines - from the human revolution Darwin's theory, we thought the revolution will optimise chemical reaction towards supreme energy; unfortunate it is going against. This is very evident from the food we consuming in the name of technology which should turn to be healthy & ease the work but leads to diseases and stress. Just flip back the healthy wealthy statistic 100 years ago, most diseases are gift of the human technology which were convinced to be a betterment with hidden agenda of certain human devil for the economic subjugator.

In the beginning of the revolution, the ancient science technology shows current technology couldn’t beat that eras of ancient with the help of alien technology – can we confirm the technology we are referring is in collaboration with outer space? The archeologist findings are too evident be it from the structure of building, travel machines, communication through telepathy without mediator devices. Why the mammoth technology continuous doesn’t prolong? Furthermore, it faded over the time when the human addicted to religions. If measured from the beginning of religion conceptual to know god – 3000 years, we don’t see much ancient technology took place, and what could be the reason of outerspace living to back off? From there the human dominant and the maximum we could discover up to 9th planed and step to moon soon to Mars. But the technology within this space are vast, again author stressed; IT IS JUST WITHIN THIS CIRCLE OF PLANET WHICH DAMAGING AMONG THEMSELVES. 
The supreme energy works on the chemical reaction – be it thought of positive or negative and the 5 elements which can form another sub energy; lately these energies work opposite due to ignorance of human improper intervention. The sub energies from the chemical reaction are to be factor of developing or destroying the mankind. The thoughts are the utmost and the chemical reaction are meant to be benefited by the mankind or further damaging the mankind – WILL OUR STORY END UP LIKE ANOTHER DINOSAUR STORY FOR ANOTHER LIVING TO DISCOVER MANKIND BUT OUR STORY IS WE DAMAGE OUR OWN IDENTITY TO VORACITY…


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