When a country is prioritizing the celebration and seconded the education. What would the young mind capture?
Primary minds should be molded that education is very important to build the nation and MY leaders don’t compromise.
Yes, the leaders are trying their best to promote our country’s education to be at the best level and to give the best, but the total number of school-going days in a year is getting less. Yeah yeah yeah, I am hearing the noise, “ada sekolah ganti maa”. Do you think the ‘sekolah ganti’ attendance is full? Is it really effective? Is the actual school mood set on that day 100%?
Ok fine, why not the govt also announce the gaps in between public holidays and weekend working days to be holidays and get ALL the employees to also have “ade kerja ganti Saturday Sunday maa!!” They cannot implement this since it will impact the economy and the Labor Act on the rest day term. Investors with mixed mind to invest will go, “eeemmmm …. ”

Worse is the TWO education system; they are given a choice where the Jenis Kebangsaan can apply their ‘sekolah ganti’ according to their major festival and the Kebangsaan break for Raya. Is this not racial separation? The 1Malaysia spirit can be felt by young minds especially the kids in primary.
How do the young feel when a particular ethnic group goes on a long break for their celebration whereas the other ethnics go to school and find education punishing them to study and indirectly telling them “this is not our celebration”. We thought this will give flexibility but the fact is we are separating!!!
During my school era, I experienced the ‘sekolah ganti’ when a major festival falls between Sunday – Tuesday or T hursday – Saturday, where the Monday or Friday will be replaced on the following Saturday; max just one replacement but not consecutive two or three days. Even at that particular time, our education system was admired by other 3rd world countries but now we are waning.
By default, we should minimize school holidays since in Oct 2011 the education ministry came out with the national education blueprint with the context of rising INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION STANDARDS by engaging UNESCO, OECD, local universities etc. This means more time allocation is needed during the school period. How does the blueprint become successful if there are more extended breaks!!?
I always have a wish and probably MOST of us feel the same, that the country should have a SINGLE education system encompassing a mandatory language subject for all ethnics. This will be the REAL 1Malaysia, where the leaders ensure multi-lingual masters in this soil with Bahasa Malaysia as OUR national language and science and/or maths in English. To emphasize the national language more, subjects like history, geography, seni or at least 5 subjects are in Bahasa Malaysia. I believe with a SINGLE-roof education we will be creating ethnically homogeneous societies which I could feel during my 80s/90s but whose tone is now fading off.
Awaiting son of this soil where there is no race column in any govt forms. My race is Malaysian ….