Sakti should be replaced too then
originate from other languages or produce another language; it will never
emerge on its own. The old languages struggle when it comes to the modern world
with new technological words, where language scholars will give up and loan
those words from another language. Modern languages loan words from the older
languages too – e.g Parkir (Parking) which refer to tempat letak kereta.
Lending and borrowing doesn’t make the language stupid, it doesn’t mean the
language is not civilized but it helps in the continued usage of a language.
Languages never had problems
with other languages like how religion has/had; it gets victimized by the
practitioner, yes the religion practitioner. Things get better when the
language can speak for themselves - unfortunately the alphabet is not made up of
living creatures but helps to make mankind civilized. It reminds me of the
quote in John 1:1, “In the
beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”. In
layman ’s terms, which is the direct translation – each word belongs to Almighty
God. This means every language belongs to God; we cannot blame God for choosing
Sanskrit in the beginning, followed by Hebrew and then finally Arabic to give
knowledge to the humans. Can we blame God for the language evolution over the
Lately, there were words banned
especially the word (nanana, I obey the leaders decision. I will try not say it
till the end of this article). I strongly adore the way leaders stinks, no no
THINK I mean. English language, don’t get me into trouble! The leaders are protecting
the citizens from being misled and I like the judgment of their people - they
don’t know how to differentiate it so to ease confusion, we withdraw the
loan words. To prevent confusion, the word can now be partially used by some
and not by other states.
Concerning the ‘misleading’ or
“confusion’ of language, we should consider other words too. There is a common
word used in daily life that is not only misleading but indirectly praying, oh
gosh ... PRAYING to a different god – if you think there are too many gods!!
SAKTI, it originates from Shakti/ Sakthi- which means ‘power’ referring to
cosmic energy in Hinduism. Shakti/sakti is the concept of divine feminine
creative power, referred to ‘The Great Divine Mother’ – Durga, Mahakali,
Parvati and the list goes on.
The Shakti goddess can be
viewed in the context of science where the feminine Shakti manifests through
female embodiment and creativity/fertility, though it is also present in males
in its potential, unnoticeable form. Shakti is cosmic existence as well as
liberation, the most significant form being the Kundalini Shakti.
If you still can't quite get what is Kundalini, this is one of the examples
where English has to borrow like how it does for Yoga (Sanskrit originally).
Referring to the above
paragraph, if we are talking in the context of science, then each time we
insert ‘Sakti’ into our Malay language, it carries a different meaning. Example
– Kita bukan penentu tapi tuhan yang
maha sakti, lagi maha berkuasa, now you get the actual meaning. By
the way, maha in Arabic means a woman with beautiful eyes and in Sanskrit means
great. It usually follows with another word - Maha Avathar, Maha Brahma etc likewise
in Malay, Maha Berkuasa, Maha Penyayang.
Now, is the ‘maha’ referring to power or goddess?
With my above justification on
sakti, it will never go wrong when you know what you are referring to and the
context referred to. I am leaving to the readers to judge whether we should ban
and take ownership - ‘trademark’ it - since every word - not vulgar words, let
satan take the ownership of vulgar words - gives more exposure to the right
path to our community and not block the language since its duty is to communicate
and ease any explanation on certain words.
Hope we don’t further ban the
words Firman, Wahyu, Iman; these are commonly used in both holy books (Malay
language version). Replacing other words to their articles or in holy books may
mislead the interpretation. I am ending the article with a bhajan (devotional
Raghav Raja Ram, Patita Pavan Sitaram
Sitaram, Sitaram, Bhaj Pyare Mana Sitaram
Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram,Patita Pavan Sitaram
Sitaram, Sitaram, Bhaj Pyare Mana Sitaram
Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram,Patita Pavan Sitaram
Ishwar Allah Tero Nam,Sabako
Sanmati De Bhagawan
Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram, Patita Pavan Sitaram...
Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram, Patita Pavan Sitaram...