Adam is your forefather

‘Ceramah’ by Tok Guru, his speech really makes a lot of sense and mind bogging. He asked, who your forefather is? Adam! Means Muslims great-grandfather is Adam, same goes to Christian, Buddhist, hindus and even African great-grandpa is Adam. Which means we are all related to each other, we are one and HE is one. When we are no logger required on the earth, do you think the angel’s first question will be which race or religion you’re? No! It is purely justified by your love to your same mankind and to the rest of creatures by HIM. Love is the only passport for us to heaven. Do you believe in life after death? Most of us believe I guess? If we see people's house on fire, without thinking we try to safe them, scream to others too safe as much as we can and call the fire brigade. Do we care about what race there are or religion? But why when it comes to GOD, we are so arrogant and we hate each other by wearing religion cloth.
--Hope 2009, we’ll show our love to others with out religion measurement.--


Unknown said…
I agree with you on this but when it comes to this sentence "But why when it comes to GOD, we are so arrogant and we hate each other by wearing religion cloth"...i believe not all think the same coz i dun. i think it is up to the individual. me as a muslim, i dun think that we are taught to be that way...but still some do...
Hope one day the some will increase..hope for the best

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