Deepavali; the utmost day BUT beer sobering with spicy mutton perathal for the whole day..

So...many of us know that prior to Deepavali celebration Naraka troubled the people of earth who lived in the darkness. Finally Lord Krishna rescued people from this demon; we Hindus celebrate this festival to remember that (it is myth cos in Hindu festival nothing based on past event celebration but current situation based on moon, solar and star movements). Btw the Naraka myth is simple and understandable-even with this explanation, we are so arrogant and still want the Naraka to be with us. "Macci, today is Diwali eve, nalla kudiye poduvom", "last year Diwali, kita kawan, record bro..24hours semma tanni"; back home next day, amma "aiyaa, Naragasuren-ku padayal podenum, padayal le mutton iruku, kolly curry..then do padayal for our tata pathi. Go aiya, take shower with oil bath; hope this year unnaku nalla buthi varetum". "Gosh, what I've done to myself, I must change after this Diwali day..". Above short tale (humbly-not to hurt ...