The science behind “Nagama”

How do the current hindus observe Nagama – worship as serpent goddess with egg and milk; a total diversion in the context of religious past 1500 years back. Reason of worshiping this serpent structure remains; where married woman repay when they do not get pregnant. Doesn't make sense at all snake and pregnancy; let’s unwrap it. Don’t view the serpent in the context of religion but if we look at ancient science – most ancient science has this snake related topic – what is snake up to? It is not really about snakes but DNA merely. The DNA was first identified and isolated by Friedrich Miescher in 1871, but DNA has been identified during ancient Hindu simultaneously Anunnaki. DNA is found in other livings so what is so big deal for human then – DNA acts according to genetic; genetic is consist of surrounding changes. E.g Labrador is easier to train compared to boxer breed; the genetic function and DNA changes to suit surrounding factors. Same happens to human (true fr...