Who is Alien

Existence doubtful?! At certain extend, we do have a thought human tenure onto this earth can be conquered by Alien at any point of time. Not to sure the existent of this creatures but the clips uploaded on the net on UFO/USO make us think, it's presence sounds so real. Dinosaur were here 200 million years back but not anymore but worrying now is this Aliens and their role to human t he ruler of Earth compared to other livings. Why does God created this threat, Alien? since human itself becoming threat for another human; power, religion, race. Incredible human But it's ok, the human technology development are amazing. The countries competing war technology to safeguard themselves, between human anyway. Humanoid to be the utmost human achievement would be when the robots can be 99.99% like human; but not exactly. Again, when we look at thousand years back old buildings, human were using sophisticated technology compared to now; we are excellent or our ancestors? Ancient Technolo...