Kamal ji, his message through the movies..

Dr. Kamalhaasan, Indian film actor. He’s simply the best and his acting is extravaganza in cinema world. He’ll do his very best in any role which is given to him. If he was given a policeman role, definitely a real policeman -->absolutely admire and wanted to be like him because he’ll prepare himself by attending police training before the film shooting. He’ll do his very best each and every role given to him and he sacrifices a lot to make the movie different and unforgettable for his fans. If you look at his one of his famous movie such like ‘Apoorva Sagodharargal’ acted as short man/dwarf, people who watching it will be wondering how was the camera technique was done back in 80’s. Beside that movie, lately he acted in ‘Dasavatharam’ portrayed 10 different roles and this movie awarded world Guinness record in film industry. This movie also nominated for Oscar. Hope you win my idol. Past few years, the story lane he chooses is different and his movie has message to the world fo...